Monday, 5 December 2011

When i Get Older.

Long time ago....ok not really too long ago, when i was a kid, then we kids talk among ourselves,and very often we talk about what we would get or become as we get older. Then it was a long wishlist without limitations, we always say we would get or buy anything we like,build whatever we wanted, travel to see the whole world. Then the whole world was our cataloge and we just place our imaginary orders.

"i will buy a 4 cars and buy a 20 storey building when i grow up" Now, there was a little problem we did not see, we did not know that we had to work towards all this, we had this idea that the universe would just give you the things you want as you grow we did not see the things we wanted as a problem, we only saw growing up as the major challenge, our only limitation was just Growing up! If we could just grow up now now now! So we were always looking forward to just growing up.
We believed all things are achievable. we believed all lies were true. We had only one problem, we trusted and had too much faith in anything.

Then we started growing up, and something changed, we began to see the world differently, we had to read hard to pass examinations,we had to wash our cloths and do all the household chores, we realised that nothing comes for free, that the growing up we wanted was an illusion, our idea of growing up was wrong.....growing up is a pain!
We realised this and we figured out how the world truly operates, one can not just wish something to reality, NO! You have to work for it. Growing up doesnt make things for you, you make the things that make you a Grown up....It was a devastating discovery! Now we trust nobody and have faith in nothing!

Then after the realisation, most of us lost something,s ome found theirs back, majority dont even know its gone, and that is our "Child heart", the ability to wish and dream, and here is where the problem actually lies. When we figured out that the world only gives what you worked for, we changed with the new reality, we became men and stopped dreaming, we then started working towards greatness, but i guess we forgot something, that a great man is one who have not loss is child heart.

Some of us wish we where still children but most of us wish to grow slower,gently and easily, cos the world is just running too fast and its carrying us on its tracks and we are just gettig old too quickly.

All this flashed between my head as i rush up this morning to jump into the very busy bustling monday morning. It reminded me of the days when i say "when i get older" and how much i have realised the difference between being a grown up and actually growing up.

To all of you out their go get your child heart back as we are preparing for the christmas and New Year. Season Greatings Y'all.
When i grow older, i will travel the whole world.....i still believe that!

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