Monday, 24 October 2011

WILD in the ZOO.

The zoo is not really for tamed animals,its for animals that cant be tamed, and as such needs restrictions.
I like comparing the world we live in to a zoo,we arent all really tame,we are very wild, that is where law, morals and order comes in,all for restriction.
To be wild is our real nature, that is why when most of us have the oppurtunity to  be wild,we run so wild like a  forever caged dog, do so much jumping around and so much unthinkable things.

But some of us have been so docile that when we have the oppourtunity to be wild we find out that we cant hunt again just like the lion "diego" in "ice age" movie.

It took a lovely lady in her early 20's to show me that i am among the latter category. Gosh am worse than diego. I have totally lost my hunting skill.
The sharp contrast between the zoo and the wild is;life in the wild is of jungle justice, no orderliness,no restrictons,no rules!
The zoo is the absolute opposite.
Trying to live a wild life in the zoo,is what i find pleasurable,it involves being wild even in the zoo.
To be wild in a zoo is to be sharply different, humans are born wild ,but grow in a zoo. Always doing or acting the exact opposite way of how they really feel, sometimes they do so much uncomfortable things just to blend among the other zoo mates.

I met a girl who lived her own life in a zoo,who asks for what she wants,who is courageous and dare to be real. For the first time in my plenty years i saw someone living a wild life in a zoo. She defined exactly what being wild and original is. And i can tell she is enjoying her life. She changed my life in about six hours,not by words but actions. Although some of what she does are not totally well with me but she deserves a credit!

Dare to break the rules, ignore the norm,get what you want, ask,dont assume you wont be given,fall in love, even if its for a minute,get vulnurable,always exceed your limits. There are chances that you get more "NO"s than yes, but you would definately get more yes than someone who never asked.....stay open,stay wild.

The funny thing is that those that live a wild in the zoo normally get what they want,sometimes it takes a while, if not immediately. like in her case,she didnt get it imediately but am sure she would get it soonest!

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