Tuesday, 24 May 2011

TRULY,Life is not easy!

Early this morning,i was on bed trying to overcome the very first difficulty of everyday life, waking up! I had so much for the day,first was to catch a 7:30am flight from lagos to port-harcourt which if i miss will have a crushing Domino effect on my day,infact on my week.
I already had a painstaking day just the day before,trying to get a solar panel and some cables in Alaba international market.
Also the day before yesterday,i had another Emotional blow from the one thats dear to me......Also the day before the day  before yesterday, i was at a must attend wedding in Oshogbo and i had to leave oshogbo for lagos in a crazy hold up in Ibadan,  because i must see the one thats dear to me, and the day before this i had to travel 9 hours on the road from port harcourt to oshogbo.....the day before this also......................i can go on without end....but wait lets return to Early this morning!

Yes Early this morning,trying to wake up brought so much thought into me,i mean truly,life is not easy! but who cares,life can only be easy if one want to lounge around like a Lion caged with two lionness in the Zoo, where one can get free food,booze and accomodation but ofcourse you would get stared at like a zoo lion, people paying to stare at you.

Problem is,i dont think the lion likes the zoo idea,i can just imagine what the lion thinks "Life is not easy" ofcourse he thinks life is not easy,even the lion in the jungle chasing zebras still thinks life is not easy....so when will life be easy?

Now my point of view, life is not easy, so what! "Know your limit, then exceed it" thats one of my favourite quotes,now that we all know life is not easy,what do we do? Yes work harder and pray, not knowing it then start to whine about it, that there is Negativity!
 The most difficult part of life is waking up,if you get out of bed,then you have what it takes to live life.
Hardwork leads to success.knowing that life is not easy solves half the problem.Most of us know that SAT exam is not easy,then we prepare harder for it,that is the kind of knowing that am talking about,not knowing and getting all negative about it.
If one would rate life's difficulty on a scale of 1 - 10, i would say 15!
Am not here to tell you that life is not easy, am here to challenge you about what you will do with this uneasy life.
Thank God Adam eat "an apple" as people said,what if he eat watermelon or pawpaw,then life might be more difficult,the bigger the friut the bigger the punishment (my assumption).

So as i go around merging the differnt colors of my life together,i intend painting colorfully the beautiful rainbow of my life with  Prayer and hardwork.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Prison without walls

Living in a cell
i heard the catholic bell
confession time, who will i tell?
for all believed,i fell.

I always yell
but that did not sell
for am in a big well
and no one can compel.

Is like am on a spell
that wants to take me to hell
i tried to chase it from where i dwell
in this, i did not excel.

Shock has taken me off my heel
shocks more than the electric eel
am the only one who knows how it feels
to everyone else am going round the reel!

Repeating The Sins of Our FATHERS!

Someone said "the generation of our present fathers have committed so much mistakes that all we can just do is forgive them". I second that statement, because  looking back i see a lot of polygamist,drunks, and broke fathers with broken homes. I mean they were so middle class minded and self-fish that it was in that generation we had a lot of corrupt leaders that led this country to the state it is presently.
Nearly half of all the fathers in that generation had married twice or have a concubine somewhere,making step- brothers,step-sisters,step-mothers a norm.
Not all of them were that bad,( there are loads of sweet,loving and caring fathers among our fathers) but probe deeply and you would find out that most of your friends fall in this category.Most of us carry this shame about, but it was not our fault,as a matter of fact it is there shame,never ours!

The major challenge with our generation is that we think we are smarter than the generation of our fathers,and we think we can never be as broke and broken like they are.Imagine a dude that came from a polygamous home with broke parents, already triple dating,and he is so sure he wont end up like his dad because he is smarter and plays his game safer...hmmm....i bet his father thought that too! Lets not talk about our own corruption! its worse.

It is so easy to make accusations at somebody when you aint in their shoes,it looks easy from the outside and we can say "how can a man be this Broke!" "How can a father drink all his money away!" "i cant be that foolish".......
The only person capable of rebuking anyone,is someone who has gone through the same thing and acted wisely,someone who succeeded where others fell.

A story was told of a woman who always complained of how dirty the cloths on the laundry line of her neighbours look, then one day she said "wow her cloths look cleaner today,she must have changed her detergent" then her husband replied "no i woke up early this morning and i cleaned our window". That is exactly what we in this generation are doing, still looking through the dirty window, blaming others while what we should do is clean up our view.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

My Name is BARNABAS!

I hate to admit this, i mean i could have been given names like John,Peter,Paul,Joshua even Titus is not bad, instead i was given a name close to the thief crucified with christ.
The name itself is not as bad as it sound,but when friends call me all sorts like Barny,Barna B, and worse of all Barnaa! That is bad!

Imagine what my folks were thinking, when they chose to call me that name of all the names in the Bible, some shallow bible scholar still mistake the name for Barabas,are you guilty? I mean Barnabas is not even a real name it was a nickname to the guy 'joseph of cyprus' in the bible,i bet you didnt know that!(Acts 4:36-37)
I have a little encouragement in the meaning of the name, maybe that was the whole idea, as in, to be encouraged by the meaning,cos the name actually means "son of encouragement" see my point? Maybe i should just take encouragement in the "son of encouragement".

I have being hiding behind Tobi for so long that i tried eliminating Barnabas off the books,but it never worked, the name just keeps coming back to me.I put it last amongs my name 'Abimbola Tobi Barnabas' imagine my dissapointment when all my ATM cards carry 'Barnabas Abimbola' or 'Abimbola Barnabas' i mean where is Tobi?
Worst is,there no celebrity bearing that name that i can hide behind,no friend, every one seem to have abandoned the name for only me, maybe that was the idea, they wanted to give me a special name,but why not Nebuchadnezzar?

Looking at it from a different angle,the name is kind of nice. i mean if friends can just call me Babs or something much creme, and the Barnabas himself in the Bible was a sweet person. I mean the guy was sweet! little wonder he earned that nickname.
Now am proud of the guy and the name,I am a son of encouragement,and the first person to be encouraged is Me. I have encouraged myself that the name is special and i have today rechristened myself, and i give encouragement to all who feel their names are not cool. Seriously your name cant be that bad,just accept it!

Your name is special,no matter how bad you think it sounds or how commonized the name is, be it native or biblical or islamic!
My name is Barnabas, and am here to encourage YOU!

Saturday, 7 May 2011


When i was a child ,i talked like a child,thought like a child and acted like a child,now that am grown i just remenber my childhood.
I learnt everything i know now in kindergerteen,as i grow up the only thing i do is just remenber them. (Although exceptions like learning about sex and marriage do not count)
Love your neighbours, share your food, hold hands when your cross the road, pray every morning, pray before you eat ,never beat a lady, wash your hands before you eat ,wash your hands after using the toilet, etc.
Sounds familiar? In a simple world where number crunching and program writing is not the order of the day, the only schooling we need is kindergerteen.

Most of us now need to be reminded of the basic things of life,sometimes we even pay to be thought these things,things we were thought in kindergerteen.
Still dont understand me? Ok! take this example:
Some people have to be jailed to be reminded of; not steal,not beating a lady,loving their neighbours,not being jealous, etc
A special case is that of religion,i learnt the basic things about God in sunday school as a kid,i learnt that God is Merciful,kind,love,great,can do all things,faithful.....but the problem is that i keep forgetting this things,i need to be reminded every sunday in church, a little challenge and i forget that God is all sufficient then i try to solve things myself.

I learnt that hardwork and prayer leads to success as a kid,i learnt that doing things right gives fulfilment and joy,i learnt that honesty is profitable nomatter what you loss by telling the truth....but now i just want to be successful forgetting about hardwork,i just want things done regardless of how,in short have forgotten every thing i learnt has a kid.

I forget that life is simple and beautiful,that the beauty of life lies in natural highs like rainbows,beaches,sand,rain,love and laughter.
I forget the taste of tears,rain and mucus.salty? i forget that humility is not stupidity, that friends most times piss one off, that it is not about who wins but who you share the victory with.

There are so much things that i have forgotten,i would make a huge list recounting them,but has i paint the remaining colours of my life into a rainbow,i plan to paint a huge part of my childhood beautifully into it and carry it along as i paint my rainbows!

Thursday, 5 May 2011


"The only people you think are people are those who act or think like you,but if you follow the footsteps of a stranger ,you will learn things you never knew you never knew".
We are so quick to jugde,because we dont understand things does not mean we should not accept them,many people dont even understand how electricity works, yet they use it everyday.
The so called first impression that comes to our mind when we see someone whose ideas,dress-sense,social charateristics and even religion differ from ours is apalling. By default we repel people whose ideas and looks differ from ours.

Just before you  excempt yourself from this accussations;what was your expression/impression when you saw an Alfa (muslim scholar) with his long untidy beard, a white garment church worshipper,a girl putting on trousers,a guy plaiting his hair or putting on ear-rings,people with pierced nose,tongue and body, tatoos,even the guy putting on skinny jeans etc. Whats ever wrong with being differnt?(although this have exceptions, extremes like molesting children or killing do not count)

I cant just understand that guy called "Derenle" his style,his hair-do and all his weird stuff,but that does not mean i should not accept him,infact i wish i shouldnt have to accept him, but not understanding him is not a right license for me to critisize him.

If am telling a lie and i shout louder,publicise more and am more heard than the guy saying the truth,does that make my lie the truth?Because am able to sell my lie so well does not still make it true. What am saying in essence is; no matter how wildly accepted a lie is,it is still a lie, so is the case when more ladies put on trousers and some dont, does it make the majority right and the minority wrong?(i dont have problem with ladies puttting on trousers, infact i love it)

Just before you have that quick first impression, wait! try to understand,give them a benefit of doubt,it may be due to some cultural reason,upbringing,religion,personal protection,comfort etc. Most people have loads of reasons acting the way they do,just hear them out first and if you cant, dnt jugde them so fast!
If a guy loves poetry and novel instead of the regular playstation and soccer,does that make him odd?(well i love all),i think he is just different!
Imagine what the world would be like if everybody wants,thinks,wears,votes,loves exactly the same thing,just imagine!

Thats why we all love the Rainbow! Diverse colors perfectly matched together. Its beauty lies in its difference. Accept people different from you,you are probably as weird to them as they are to you.