Thursday, 15 September 2011


I always wonder what it takes to love,since everyone is crazy about it,well it also includes me (sometimes).I heard a story about a girl who was heart broken and promised never to love again,but her counsellor told her,you would love again,but then you would say "i have never fallen like this before,this one is different".

He was right she did fall in love and of course, she admitted she had never fallen like that before and that it was different. Now that builds in me more curiosity,
Why would people always return to what shattered them,i mean people literally find love,(well love find others) awhile after been heartbroken.
Then it struck me that love itself never come in same form,it's always different,if you were high in your previous love,the next one would take you higher.

I know love is said to be expensive and all that,all the Chinese dinners,expensive gift,blah blah and blah,but i think the best form of loving can be emulated from a dog.....OK wait not Dog to Dog love,that makes the female dog a B***h,but Dog to human kind of love.
Ever seen a dog love it's owner,the Dog keeps following the owner everywhere,very faithful, very loyal, ever present doesn't care if you have a car a house or money.

Give them your heart and they would give you theirs back totally and uncompromising,they would live with you in a hut,closet and eat what you eat.Dogs rarely dump you(except for one very nasty dog in my neighbourhood that switched owners cos of good food,Lol).
So if you want to love love with only your heart,requesting only your mates heart,just like a Dog,but don't behave like a dog...Just love only love like a DOG!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


 At the time when racism was at its height in the U.S, it was then worse in the southern part of the country.
A young boy left home to spend time with is relatives in the south,while there, he dared by talking to a young white lady.
On seeing this, two white male beat this boy to death. They were charged to court and a jury composing only of whites read the verdict after hurriedly going through the court session. The two guys were found not guilty and they were freed.
After the court session,the mother of the boy said,"2 months ago,i was living in a lovely apartment,i had a lovely job and a lovely son, anytime i hear blacks are being persecuted in the south,i usaully say it's not my business,it's the business of blacks in the south. Now i know better,if only had been fighting along."

With all the recent bomb blasts and Northern crisis in Nigeria,i really do not mind the news much,cos i feel am not really involved,either directly or indirectly,though i always felt terrible about the bombings and all that,but have never done anthing conciously to protest against it.
But the recent U.N building bomb blast in Abuja,affected the mother of a friend of mine, that made me wonder,how close does this have to get to all of us before we take responsive action?

If there is anything we can stand for,now is the time!One dont have to feel the heat before believing that there           is fire burning,the flames are good enough.

Before you drop that newspaper or change the T.V station that talks about violence in the North think again. Is it really not your business!